NZ Wool Market Report (26 November 2020)

NZ Wool Market Report (26 November 2020)

North Island offering 7,000 bales made up of 40% good colour fleece, 35% second shear, bulk 75mm, 15% associated oddments, 5% lambs and 5% miscellaneous.

South Island offering 8,100 bales made up of 45% crossbred fleece good/average colour, 10% crossbred second shear bulk 75/100mm, 15% associated oddments, 10% merino fleece, 10% halfbred fleece and 10% miscellaneous.

Limited competition from buyers in China and Indian Sub Continent with support from Australasian carpet mills.

Fleece Wools: Crossbred fleece all types 5% cheaper. Halfbred fleece 24-27 micron generally 80 cents cheaper. Merino fleece 15-23 micron generally 100 cents cheaper.

Second Shears: Crossbred shears including hogget shears 75mm & shorter 5% cheaper.

Oddments:Crossbred oddments all descriptions 10% cheaper

Passings: 20% Passed In.Next Auction: Combined North & South Island, offering 12,000 bales, 3 December 2020.