New Zealand Wool Market Report (25 February 2021)

New Zealand Wool Market Report (25 February 2021)

South Island only  – offering 8,570 bales.  The selection was 40% fleece, 11% shears/hoggets, 12% lambs and 14% associated oddments.  There was also 10% halfbred fleece, 3% halfbred hogget, 7% merino and hogget fleece and 3% merino oddments. 

Once again prices increased on the back of the previous week levels with all sectors operating.  The good colour fleece was particularly sought after.  The main competition was from the United Kingdom, Europe and China with support from the Sub Continent and local mills.  There was generally a good clearance of finer wools although some growers chose to pass in their wools at these levels.

Fleece: Good colour -10% dearer.  Average colour – 10% dearer.

Shears: Crossbred second shear 8 to 10% dearer.

Lambs: Crossbred lambs 5% dearer.

Finer lambs: up to 15% dearer.

Oddments: Crossbred oddments including lamb oddments 6% dearer.

7% Passed In.

Next Auction: North Island only offering 10,300 bales on 4th March.

Source: Fuhrmann NZ