New Zealand Wool Market Report (29 October 2020)

New Zealand Wool Market Report (29 October 2020)

North Island only offering 6,000 bales.  The selection consisted of 30% crossbred hogget fleece, 32-36 micron mainly good style, 8% crossbred fleece average to good style, 35% crossbred second shear/hogget shears bulk 75mm good colour, 19% associated oddments, 5% reoffered lambs and 3% miscellaneous types.  Keen widespread competition with most sectors operating. 

 Keen demand from India Sub Continent with support from China and Australasian carpet mills.

Fleece Wools – all fleece types 3% dearer. Second Shears – Crossbred shears including hogget shears 75mm & shorter 7% dearer. Oddments – Better style clothing oddments 10% dearer.

Combing oddments sellers favour.

4% Passed In.

Next Auction- South Island only, offering 8,000 bales, 5 November 2020.

Source: Fuhrmann NZ Market Report /by Helen Cameron