New Zealand Wool Market Report (29 July 2021)

New Zealand Wool Market Report (29 July 2021)

Market continues to rise for coarser types. South Island only offering  8,200 bales.  The selection consisted of 48% crossbred fleece good/average colour, 15% crossbred second shear, bulk good style 75mm, 7% lambs fleece average/good style, 3% merino fleece, 10% halfbred fleece good style 24.5micron and coarser, 13% associated oddments and 4% miscellaneous types.  Keen widespread competition with Indian Sub Continent and United Kingdom main supported by Europe, China and Australasian carpet mills.

Fleece: Better style crossbred fleece firm. Poorer style crossbred fleece 4% dearer. Halfbred fleece 25.5 micron and finer 5% cheaper. Halfbred fleece 26.0 micron and coarser up to 7.5% dearer.

Second Shears: Good colour sellers favour.

Lambs: 7.5% dearer.

Oddments: Combing oddments sellers favour. Clothing oddments buyers favour.

Passings: 5% Passed In.

Next Auction: North Island only offering 6,600 bales Thursday 5th August.

Source: Schneider NZ