International Exhibition of Textile Industry – Portugal

International Exhibition of Textile Industry – Portugal

Intertex Portugal Exhibition will take place at Europarque, Portugal on 20-22 May 2025 with official support from ANIVEC/APIV – Associacão Nacional Industrias de Vestuario e Conffeccão.

ITF Intertex Portugal attracts a wide range of visitors, including retailers, wholesalers, distributors, designers, and industry professionals worldwide.

Portugal has one of the strongest textile industries in Europe and is known for its craftsmanship and expertise in high-quality apparel and home textiles. What makes the Portugal textile industry unique is how all segments of the value chain can be found in the northern region around Braga and Porto, which gives it competitive advantage. All production facilities create textiles of the highest quality, using decades-old socially and ecologically responsible processes, combined with modern innovation, and this way of working in the fashion industry is the future.

Portugal has about six thousand companies in all sub-sectors of the textile industry. Portugal is recognized for high quality performance fabrics made using the most sustainable processes and materials. The apparel and textile industry are one of the most important to the Portuguese economy. It makes up fifteen percent of the total export and is one of the largest exporters in Europe.

The turnover of the Portuguese textile industry in 2018 accounted for.610€ million and exports 5.328€ million, which represents ten per cent of national exports. In 2022 the sector’s overall export revenue reached 6.122 billion euros (914 million euros from home textiles, 1.660 billion euros from other textiles and 3.548 billion euros from clothing). This total figure represents a 13% increase from 2021, when the industry recorded 5.413 billion euros in export revenue, and a 17% increase from 2019, when the figure stood at 5.215 billion euros. Imports, on the other hand, grew by 26% in 2022 to 5.426 billion euros. Spain is Portugal’s main textile importing country, accounting for 34% of imports, followed by Italy (11%), China (9%), Germany (7%), India (6%) and France (6%).