AWEX Appoints AUS-MEAT as On-Farm Auditors for its Sustainability and Integrity Programs

 AWEX Appoints AUS-MEAT as On-Farm Auditors for its Sustainability and Integrity Programs

The Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX ) announces the appointment of AUS-MEAT as its new provider for on-farm audits across the Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme (AWSS) and the National Wool Declaration Integrity Program (NWD-IP). This decision consolidates on-farm auditing under a trusted independent partner, ensuring consistency and efficiency for Australian wool growers.

Under this new arrangement, AUS-MEAT will conduct sustainability certification audits for the AWSS and verification audits for the NWD-IP. The partnership represents a pivotal shift in how AWEX delivers its on-farm programs, delivering these critical compliance functions through a highly respected third-party provider.

“This appointment marks a new chapter for AWEX’s sustainability and integrity programs,” said AWEX CEO Mark Grave. “By uniting AWSS and NWD audits under AUS-MEAT, we’re enhancing the experience for wool growers while upholding the rigorous standards that Australian wool is renowned for worldwide.”

AUS-MEAT’s appointment introduces a streamlined, unified approach to on-farm auditing. Wool growers participating in AWEX programs will benefit from reduced duplication, a simplified audit process, and improved resources to support them on meeting program requirements.

AUS-MEAT, a respected authority in agricultural certification and auditing, brings decades of expertise to this expanded role. Their comprehensive on-farm assessments will ensure AWEX programs maintain the highest levels of credibility and accountability, reinforcing the global reputation of Australian wool.

AUS-MEAT CEO Stephen Crisp commented, “We are delighted to take on this expanded role as AWEX’s appointed on-farm auditing partner. By combining our expertise with AWEX’s commitment to excellence, we look forward to supporting wool growers in meeting the evolving demands of sustainability-conscious markets.

The Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme (AWSS) certifies wool growers who demonstrate best practices in sustainability, while the National Wool Declaration (NWD) enables buyers to make informed choices by verifying mulesing status declarations.”

Key benefits of the AUS-MEAT partnership include:

Enhanced Credibility: With decades of experience setting and maintaining standards for the Australian meat and livestock industry, AUS-MEAT brings unparalleled credibility to the AWSS certification process.

Reduced Audit Fatigue: Leveraging AUS-MEAT’s established infrastructure and alignment with other agricultural programs may streamline audits, reducing the burden on wool growers.

This partnership paves the way for greater integration and collaboration across the wool, livestock, and broader agricultural industries, unlocking potential efficiencies and shared market access benefits.

The appointment of AUS-MEAT aligns with AWEX’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the integrity and transparency of Australian wool, offering global markets the assurance they demand and supporting Australian growers in demonstrating their commitment to excellence.

Source: AWEX